
Thursday, July 1, 2010


India, especially Kerala has a lot of home grown vegetables. Long beans is one of them. So it finds a place in the dining table in different forms. Payaru fry is one of the simplest & delicious dishes we can make. In some states of India it is also known in the name "cow pea beans".

Preparation Time:10 mts Cooking Time:10 mts Serves:2


Long Beans - 1/4 kg
Scrapped Coconut - 2 tbsp
Red Chillies - 2 nos.
Mustard Seeds - 1/4 tsp
Refined Oil - 1 tsp
Salt - to taste


Cut the long beans (payaru) into tiny pieces. In a frying pan, pour the oil. Add the mustard seeds & let it splatter. Then add the cut beans & enough salt. Sprinkle little water & close the pan & allow it to cook in slow heat. In the mean time crush the coconut & red chillies in the mixer. It should not become a paste. When the beans is cooked, add this mixture to it & toss for a few seconds. The long beans fry is ready.


Long beans can be cooked without the coconut also. We can saute some finely cut onions & then add the beans to it. This will give a different taste. We can also add some chili powder & turmeric powder instead of red chillies.


  1. While cooking the beans, add a pinch of soda bi carbonate to the vegetable. This will allow it to cook faster & also retain the colour.
  2. While crushing the coconut, garlic lovers can add 2 pods of garlic and it'll give a nice garlic flavour.

Taste it & enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. This looks like a yummy and simple dish, but I was wondering if you have a picture of the long beans... I feel that will help viewers to know what the vegetable is... :)
